We now have a twitter account – follow us on @WatchMerton.


It can be a scary and intimidating time for vulnerable residents and annoying for those who perhaps have babies that wake easily.
If you do not wish to be disturbed this Halloween, you may wish to download and display this free “No Trick or Treat poster”.

About Us

Merton Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) is a community run scheme, supported by the Police, which helps cut crime and incidences of anti-social behaviour.

A ‘Watch’ is where local residents of a street become members of a Neighbourhood Watch and are linked to a local resident acting as the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. In each watch area (street) we can provide signs for local residents to erect to show the street is actively part of Neighbourhood Watch.

Neighbourhood Watch is a national community and voluntary organisation that has been in operation since 1982. It is one of the largest voluntary community safety organisation in the country with an estimated 8 million members. Neighbourhood Watch works by developing closer links between households in a neighbourhood and the local Police Safer Neighbourhood Teams.

Living in a Neighbourhood Watch area can reduce crime and the fear of crime by improved home security, greater vigilance, accurate reporting of suspicious incidents to the Police and by fostering a community spirit.

Neighbourhood Watch is not about being nosey or gossiping; it is about developing local knowledge, building community spirit and developing links with your local Policing team.

Managed two days a week by a Safer Merton officer and overseen by a committee made up of volunteer Co-ordinators, we have a good working relationship with Merton Police. If you are interested in joining Neighbourhood Watch, please complete the registration and data content form.

Benefits of Neighbourhood Watch

Being part of an active community who are looking out for one another provides reassurance and peace of mind, whether to those who live alone and feel isolated or those concerned about leaving their home unoccupied while on holiday.

The aim of Neighbourhood Watch is to bring neighbours together to create strong, friendly, active communities where crime and anti-social behaviour are less likely to happen. Residents are encouraged to report all incidents and suspicious behaviour to the relevant agencies to try and help prevent crime before it happens.

Joining is free and may help you save money on your home contents insurance.

Neighbourhood Watch

As a Co-ordinator you are the link between your community, the local Police teams and the Neighbourhood Watch Association. Ideally there will be at least one Co-ordinator per watch.

Being a Co-ordinator will not take up a lot of your time but can have a big impact on your local community. The role is what you make it. We will send you information on crimes taking place in and around your local area as well as crime prevention tips and regular newsletters. Please take a look at the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator job description which details some of the things you may do in your role - we fully appreciate that time is precious so we stress the minimum we ask is that you forward crime information and advice to your members (which we will provide).

We also encourage you and your watch to report all incidents and suspicious activity to the relevant agencies. If you see something that may help the Police in solving or preventing a crime, make a note of what you have seen and pass this information on to the Police. If you have an emergency, where a crime is happening now, there are suspects on scene or there is danger to life you should call 999. For crimes that are not urgent you should call 101.

What happens once I am a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator?

Once your watch has been set up, you will receive members packs for yourself and your neighbours. These include a welcome letter which informs them that you are the new Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, a Neighbourhood Watch window sticker and information booklets.

Neighbourhood street signs for lampposts are available for Co-ordinators to put up to indicate an active watch is operating in your road, street or block of flats. Co-ordinators can erect the signs themselves following approval by Merton council (or the relevant owner of the lamppost). If you would like to order a street sign please see request a street sign

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators are invited to attend our annual AGM and other events throughout the year; however, it’s worth noting that attendance at these events is not mandatory.

How do I apply?

If you would like to become a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator please complete the registration and data content form and return to nhw@merton.gov.uk. Alternatively please send a hard copy to: Merton Neighbourhood Watch, Safer Merton, Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden SM4 5DX
